Friday, October 14, 2011

Post 4: Political philosophy

Friday, October 14th

What is justice? How would you define justice in your own words? What would be examples of a just government? Of an unjust government?

Please write a minimum of a full paragraph and use concrete examples to prove your argument.


Anonymous said...

Justice is the defined by actions that are considered "right" by the majority of people in the world. The governments in the world are usually considered just, since they are created by many people. Justice is capable of changing with governments and with the time periods.

Anonymous said...

Justice to me is having everything righted that was wrong. It is judging everything fairly and equally. A just government would view every case indifferently with the laws and ethics of basic human rights. They would view both sides of the argument the same and would have multitude of people to figure out an outcome. And unjust government would be biased towards one race or group and would not view cases with an open mind.

Anonymous said...

Justice is when everything is fair. People pay for their actions, if that is necessary. A just government would protect its people and do what's in the people's best interest. They would have a police department, and a fire department. An unjust government would take money, security, or rights away from the people. They would censor books and what's displayed on the T.V.

kyle said...

Justice to me would be someone getting what they deserve for the action they did..such as someone killing someone and then said person gets put in jail or whatever. A just government would be a government that isn't corrupt and has some sort of law system in place to keep order. An unjust government would probably be a government where the government doesn't exist or one that is corrupt and only worries about the people who "matter" to the country possibly and everyone else below a certain social class is kinda on there own.

Sam Heutmaker said...

Justice is doing the right thing. A just government would not execute a man that has not been proven 100% guilty or confessed. A just government would not tax the least wealth more than the wealthiest. An unjust government would do what a just government wouldn't do.

Anonymous said...

I think that justice can be defined as what is most right and fair for the victim. A just government would be able to serve everyone with equal opportunity, which will most likely never happen. An unjust government is basically every government that has ever existed since the beginning of time.

Anonymous said...

Justice can very closely be related in definition to fairness. Justice in a court situation would be getting whatever criminal punishment would be considered equivalent to the crime committed. When speaking in terms of a just or unjust government, you could say that it speaks more in terms of how the government is treating its people, spending their money, etc. An example of an unjust government could be like if its citizens are paying ridiculously high taxes, but that money is not being put towards benefitting the said society. Examples of a just government would be a democratic system. This stands for a completely just government because the decisions that are being made are by the people, therefore they must be fair.

Anonymous said...

Justice to me is the right of every citizen to be treated fairly in a court of law or just in life in general. A just government would be one who would not discriminate against any particular individual and would see to it that everyone got a fair trial. An unjust government would do the exact opposite, in addition to not being fair to every single citizen under their rule, they would also take the liberty of taking anything they wanted from any citizen, or just throwing them in jail for not having done any crime.

Anonymous said...

Justice is the quality of being fair and reasonable. Society makes up morals and decides what they think is fair for everyone. A just government in my opinion would be a society that follows the morals and opinions of the majority of the people living there, but not discriminating against anyone who had any other views. An unjust opinion would be something like the North Korean government. They do not respect their people and do not care what the majority of their people think, but enforce rules that they do not wish to follow on them and don't actually provide any benefit to the community apart from the rulers.

Anonymous said...

Justice is where you reap the consequences of the things you do. Justice is where you get the fair amount of treatment for certain actions. I would define justice as where if you break the law you would go to jail for the right amount of time. When it comes to an example of a just government i would have to say that the US government is a just government. I would say that it is about as just as it can be. An example of an unjust government is probably a ruthless dictatorship. I would say this because with a ruthless dictator generally they arent very fair and so therefore arent just.

Anonymous said...

Justice is where you reap the consequences of the things you do. Justice is where you get the fair amount of treatment for certain actions. I would define justice as where if you break the law you would go to jail for the right amount of time. When it comes to an example of a just government i would have to say that the US government is a just government. I would say that it is about as just as it can be. An example of an unjust government is probably a ruthless dictatorship. I would say this because with a ruthless dictator generally they arent very fair and so therefore arent just.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, justice (attempts) to ensure fairness, along with a balance between good and evil. A just government is a government that provides certain rights and protections to both accused and accuser, a fair trial, and innocent until proven guilty. An unjust government is a government that tortures the accused for confessions, a government that does not protect the accused, a government that see's people as guilty until proven innocent.

Anonymous said...

Justice is defined as a basic fairness or equality that we strive for in our society. A just government would allow the people to voice their opinions on the actions the government is going take, what they are doing right now, and what they have done. An unjust government would not consider what would be fair to the people only what would be in their best interest. In a way the founding fathers did this when they were writing the Constitution of the United States.

Anonymous said...

I think that justice is treating everyone in society the same. Everyone should be entitled to the same rights regardless of race or gender. A just system of government needs to set consequences to make wrongs right. These standards should be enforced by officials and applied to everyone. An unjust government would not treat all it's citizens equally.

Anonymous said...

Justice to me is fairness in relation to the law, rights, and other such concepts. A just government would be a government who gives all of its citizens the same rights and responsibilities as every other citizen, no matter their political ideology, religious views, or heritage. Am unjust government would favor some groups of citizens more than others and give the favored ones more rights and more freedom than the other more less favored group, and they would base the way they choose those favored citizens on personal bias.

Anonymous said...

Many people would ask, what is justice? Justice to me is the quality of being fair and reasonable. You make decisions based on what is best for the greater good and not just yourself. You think of others before you think of yourself. A just government would be a government that would put your feelings into consideration first and not theirs. They would think about what the best decision would be for the most amount of people instead of just what they want. An unjust government wouldn't care about how their decision affects you and would go along with what they think is right.

Anonymous said...

Justice is the balance of equality for the consequence of an action. Justice is the reaction to an action and the punishment or consequence that goes with the action. Trials that people go on for a crime and serving the right amount for that crime is justice. An unjust government is giving someone less time that they should on a trial. For example, the Casey Anthony trial, Casey should have gotten jail time for the killing of her daughter. they couldn't charge her because there wasn't enough physical evidence to point her to the crime. Although there was circumstantial evidence they needed more physical evidence to be able to put her in jail. Mostly everyone thought that she should have gotten jail time because we all knew she did it, and now everyone thinks out justice system is unjust.

Anonymous said...

Justice is bringing fairness to those who have done something and giving them consequences that are also fair with their actions. When the government puts a criminal in jail for a set amount of years for their crime.A government who gives out penalties that are fair with the action is just, those who give harsh penalties for minor crimes are unjust.

Anonymous said...

Justice is when punishments are equal to the crimes committed. A just government wouldn't mistreat its prisoners in a way that is not involved in the punishment. An example is if a person is to be put to death and that might be considered unjust by some, they shouldn't be harmed or neglected in any way before that happens, because doing so would not be part of their punishment and would therefore be unjust. An example of an unjust government is imprisoning innocent people just because the government doesn't like them for whatever reason.

Anonymous said...

Justice is treating everyone equally. For example if one person is convected of murder and you give him life in jail then it wouldn't be just to let the next murder off. A just government would set laws and follow them every time oppose to an unjust government that would bend laws for certain people.

Anonymous said...

What is justice, justice is the quality of being fair and equal even in the worst situations. A just government would be when people stop being biased and only look at the facts. An unjust government would be when you are not fair. Lets say a judge is racist he might not even bother looking at the facts and give a black person a harsher punishment then if a white person did the exact same crime, they would take rights away from people making it seem more like a dictatorship then what we have now.

Anonymous said...

I believe that justice is treating each person in society equally and getting what you deserve, whether it's good or bad, and judging everything fairly. An example of a just government would set consequences and certain guidelines for the society, and penalize them if they do something that is unjust in terms of the other citizens, regardless of the color of their skin or religion.
An example of an unjust government would be putting someone on trial and discriminating against a certain race or religion.

Anonymous said...

What is justice? How would you define justice in your own words? What would be examples of a just government? Of an unjust government?

Please write a minimum of a full paragraph and use concrete examples to prove your argument.

Justice is moral actions which are right based on different cultures around the world. I personally think justice is relative to different cultures, but there are some things which are consistently unjust. I believe the ideals of the American justice system are just and give all people equal rights but cases like that of Casey Anthony do not represent justice. An example of an unjust government would be one who judges people subjectively and takes away rights such as silence.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't necessarily say we have justice now or ever will,we see examples of the "untouchables" in the rich and famous.Paris Hilton was released in a few hours due to "overcrowding" or OJ being set free when it could be obvious to even the blind.With the right team you can change everything legally and sometimes the price for those that do pay isn't high enough.TGoo many child molesters are released free to live by families.And too many are left free to tear apart lives when perhaps the more ethical thing would be to leave them in prison.To rot there being the bottom-feeder of the prison system.Justice is too easy to dispense as a vigilante but,in my my own mind eye for an eye would be fair.We would see less of crime probably due to people fearing the consequences.If one should rape another,cut off their "parts".If one takes a life make them willingly make them remember that person and wither in it.

Anonymous said...

I would describe justice as the decision made by a group of people deciding whether an action(s) made by a person(s) is moral. Whether something is fair. People who are on trial, and get an equal punishment to the intensity of the crime is justice. I read in the news that someone has a possibility of getting 20 years in prison for sneaking into someones garage(while they were home) and stealing beer. I believe this is unjust. because I read a similar story where a past prisoner (criminal) threatened a worker a Papa Murphy's with a crow bar, asking for all the money. This criminal has a possibility of getting 20 years. This sentence seems more just because he threatened someone. This is just.

Anonymous said...

Justice is the idea that people are given what they deserve. An example of a just government would be one where people are compensated for their work and are punished within reason for crimes they commit. An unjust government is one in which people are not compensated for their work (used as slaves) and they are punished or rewarded whenever it is of benifit to the government.

Anonymous said...

Justice is being just and fair to all in situations by listening to both sides of the story and giving all partys involved time to talk. A just government would be fair to everyone and would listen to even the smallest of groups to get their opinions. An unjust government would be corrupt, and would be biased towards people and groups they deemed not worthy of the their time.