Friday, May 7, 2010

Social contract

Diversity Day, 5/7

Explain what the social contract is in your own words. What do you think the responsibilities should be of the citizens and of the government under the social contract? Do you think our government is upholding it's responsibilities to its citizens? Offer an example to support your opinion.


Anonymous said...

Social Contract is when people agree to give up some of their Natural Rights so in return gain other privileges and protections. For example, the people of the state agree to pay taxes, so in return the government builds roads, public schools, and protection. People should have the responsibilities of following the rules/ laws set out for them. Without their cooperation the whole society would go in turmoil. Then, it is only fair for the government to follow through on their side. The government should provide protection to their people and allow the people to still have some of their Natural Rights. I believe that our government is holding up its responsibilities. It is protecting us the best they can from terrorist ad providing great public resources. They still allow us have liberty and rights. For example, we give up the right to exclaim, "I want to bomb the white house," but keep the write to have our own opinions and talk to anyone.

John Mazzoleni said...

The social contract is basically an understanding that citizens give up certain rights in exchange for certain benefits from the government. The government usually gives them privileges like roads and public education and most importantly, protection. The responsibility of citizens is to obey the laws and openly participate in government. They also should pay taxes or some kind of debt in exchange for the services they receive. I think our government is doing a good job of upholding its responsibilities. We, as citizens, are protected from other attacking countries pretty much all the time, and there has never been any type of overthrow of the government. We get free public education and get to use a lot of things we take for granted. The government provides its citizens with an education, paid for by tax payers. An education benefits both the government and the citizen, because the citizen will likely become productive and help the government and eventually pay back into the system by paying taxes.

Nolin said...

The social contract is something that a person gives up to the government, in return they receive something from the government. Responsibilities of people should be that they should give something up for something in return. The government shouldn't force its citizens to give them anything, but in the case of our society today, everyone pays taxes. The government isn't doing a terrible job holding up their end of the social contract, but they can do better. They have problems reaching their deadlines for things that they have proposed. Overall, we don't live in a terrible society, but it could be better today, and for the future.

Anonymous said...

The social contract is a metaphor for how governments were originally created. The people give up certain rights, like being able to do whatever they think necessary to protect their property, to get certain things from the government like protection. The citizens should be responsible for following the laws and paying taxes to support government programs. The government should protect people from people trying to commit violence. The government should also protect people's civil rights and civil liberties. The government should also provide assistance to citizens in terms of housing, education, health care, clean water, food, etc. Our government does pretty well, but it still needs to be better at providing social services to all citizens. Only by helping all people who are truly in poverty, not just those who fall under the outdated poverty-line, will the government be truly fulfilling its obligations under the social contract. The government should provide social services to people who are not citizens. They should be able to access the same health-care, education, job assistance, and child-care as people who are citizens. They are choosing to come to the country so the US should provide services to them in exchange for the work they provide.

Taylor said...

The social contract is a unwritten policy that states how people give up their rights in order to receive order from the government. Under the social contract I think that the responsibilities of the citizens would be to give certain rights, such as privacy (i.e. wire-tapping). The responsibility of the government would to provide protection for its citizens. Yes I do think that our government is upholding its responsibilities to its citizens because it provides us with many different forms of protection. Such as in the schooling system one is not allowed to bring weapons and in return the students receive greater safety and protection.

Tom said...

The social contract is an unwritten agreement between people to give up certain rights in order to receive protection from bad things that may happen to you. I agree with John Locke that it is the government's job to listen to the people and provide them with the proper protections. I think the government does good job of protecting us. An example would be the Police Service. They keep us safe from basic problems and crimes. However, I feel like I should note, I agree with Hobbs on the nature of humans and that it would be a dangerous and evil world.

Solveig H said...

The social contract is when we give up some rights to a government in exchange for social order. Citizens should agree to these rules so they can protect their rights and also respect the rights of other citizens. In return, the government should do everything in its power to protect these rights and not infringe upon them. I agree that the government is upholding its responsibilities. Locke argues that if the government was not listening to the people, the people would have the right to remove the government. The Bill of Rights is an example of how the government is working to protect our rights. It provides us with the freedoms that we should also have in a state of nature, but does a better job of protecting them. The legal system also helps to protect us, because we have an entire system of justice set up designed to defend our rights.

Eric said...

Social contract is the giving up of peoples' rights to the government to get social order. The governments responsibility under the social contract is to provide protection to their citizens, but also still give them their natural rights. Citizens must give and continue to give their consent to the government for the social contract to work. Our government is upholding it's responsibilities to us- the citizens- because we allow them to take away some of our rights and in return they provide us with protection. For example, we give up the right to carry guns into schools and public places and in return we expect not to be shoot ourselves,

Chris Shirriff said...

The social contract is the idea that people have to give up some control of their lives to the government in order to maintain some social order. I think the responsibilities of citizens under this social order should be to understand that giving up a few of their freedoms would help the most people in the long run. The government bears the brunt of the responsibility, because their basic political philosophy is that they are giving themselves more power. Because they have this additional power, they have the ability to become oppressive and go against the morals that their system of government is based off. If they actually practice what they preach, it can be an effective system of government. If they abuse their powers, like so many people have before them, their government will eventually fall. I think our system of government is the best system that man has created up to this point, but it is far from perfect. Our government was created so that it would not be too oppressive, and so far I think they have done a decent job. America has been prosperous in the last century, and a lot of this can be attributed to the government. However, there are many people throughout the country who are suffering, and the government has the ability to help these people.

Leah G said...

The social contract theory is that people must give up some of their rights to receive government protections and benefits. This means that i have to give up the right to do whatever i want in ability to have rules and order within society. I think that the responsibilities of the government under the social contract are that they take away minimal rights, or the ones that are necessary to maintain order. I think that they have the responsibility to serve the citizens first and have government surround them, not citizens benefiting government. And i think citizen responsibility is to follow the rules of government set up for them. I think our government has done an okay job of upholding its responsibilities to its citizens, but has failed with certain aspects like healthcare.

Kevin said...

The social contract is a concept in which citizens freely give up some of their rights to the government in exchange for the protection of others. For instance, in the United States we freely give up our right to break the kneecaps of others. In return, we expect our right to unbroken kneecaps to be protected. The responsibility of the citizen is to decide which rights to give up in exchange for deciding which rights are to be protected, upon creation of the social contract (writing a constitution, for instance). The citizens are then responsible to dutifully follow these rules which they have set out for themselves. The government is responsible for insuring that the rights that are to be given up are given up and the rights that are to be protected are protected. They are essentially responsible for holding the citizenry to their promises.

Our government does an adequate job of keeping to the social contract. The government, for the large part, keeps murder and such off of the streets. It is not perfect, though, and never will be as long as their is such a thing as corruption in office. Remember Blagojevich? You can bet he isn't the only politician who is more interested in self-benefit than leading. Furthermore, as Plato has pointed out, the best politician is not the same as the best leader, in most cases. All the same, it's hard to imagine something that could work better. Remember the words of Winston Churchill: "Democracy is the worst form of government- except for all those invented so far."

I would also point out that many of the complaints against the federal government are largely on which rights are to be protected and which rights are to be surrendered. Witness the discussion of Second Amendment rights. There is considerably less discussion as to the effectiveness of the government than the role of the government. The government isn't doing a great job of protecting the social contract- but I suppose it could be doing worse.

Anonymous said...

The social contract is when people give up some of their rights to the government so they can have order in the society. In order for the social contract to work, the government authority must have permission to preserve order from the people of the country. Under this contract, the citizens should listen to and support the government. Without their support and cooperation, society would become chaotic and mass turmoil would ensue. The government also has the responsibility of protecting the people and preserving order in a safe, responsible way. The two must support each other for the social contract to work.
I believe the government is doing a great job protecting its people and upholding its responsibility. While we give up some rights in America, we gain protection and the right to free speech and other basic freedoms. For example, we have free public education in America, and pay taxes to support this system. We have many rights compared to other countries, and I believe the government responds to the majority of the people in making laws. The social contract will only continue to work if the people support the government and what it’s doing.

Devin Long said...

The social contract is an unspoken agreement by the government and its citizens that in order to maintain social control and stability, citizens will have to give up some natural rights. The government in return will provide the domestic stability and protection of the citizens and work to promote the well being of everyone. The modern examples include not being able to shoot people who some people in America may think are terrorists just because they look or act funny or different, but in return the government should have full responsibility in tracking down real terrorists and keeping our nation safe. Current examples the government has include the War on Terror and potentially a war with Iran.


The social contract is an agreement between individuals and the government where they consent to giving up some of their rights in order to get back certain safeties and advantages, such as organization. I believe that under a social contract, the responsibilities of the citizens are to live in concordance with their agreement and to give up whatever rights they agreed to give up, as well as other incentives towards the government in the name of keeping order and peaceable action. The responsibility of the government in a social contract is to offer up protection to the citizens and to ensure a certain quality of life for all those entered into the agreement. I think that our government is holding up it’s responsibilities at the moment to attempt to raise quality of life for its citizens, an example of this would be the recent healthcare bill that was passed, or in the way of safety, the laws that were put in place after 9/11 for homeland security.

NicoleF said...

I think that social contract is a agreement made between individuals in which they lose a few rights, but gain more safety or protection in return.
I think that the government under a social contract should mainly be in charge of protecting life and social freedoms, along with enforcing laws. I believe that people in a social contracted society should mainly be in charge of freedoms and how they express themselves. Along with this comes a certain maturity and open mindedness that people in this society would need to embrace.
I think that our government is doing a pretty good job at keeping its responsibilities upheld. If you look at how far our society has come in, the government is defiantly up holding our social freedoms. Of course there's the fact that a lot of our men and women have died in war, but through that the government has been able to keep our countries citizens safe. An example of how our government is protecting our social rights is through freedom of speech. Our divers population proves how our freedoms of speech is working now -a-days. Of course the fact that most people aren't excepting other peoples' cultures is a problem that constantly overhangs. Not everyone is open minded, but we've defiantly come further then we once were.

jacobsandry said...

The idea of the social contract stems from the enlightenment idea that government should be organized by the people it serves and respond to them. It sets up a peaceful way for citizens and their organized society to coexist. Conversely, the people have a responsibility to follow the rules of the society because they are getting the benefits of the government and they need to give back to society what they are getting. If someone breaks the social contract they are punished (going to jail, getting fined, not allowed to vote etc.) but in return for their following the social contract the government should give them certain benefits (safety, accessibility to food and shelter, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness). Unfortunately, I don't believe the social contract is really being followed right now. One example of this is crime. Often times people point to crime and say "we have a problem, we need to crack down." Crime is a break in the social contract, however, it needs to be evaluated further than face level. Crime is not truly where the break in the social contract began. The break in the social contract began when the government didn't allocate enough funds and didn't implement the correct policies to give people what they need to survive. Because the government is not doing its part in the social contract, it is not necessarily a wrong for people to commit crimes. This is not a universal however. There are many people who commit crimes who have had all the benefits of the social contract plus more (bernie madoff). But if we truly believe that the social contract is the foundation for the governmental system in our country, it has to be recognized that crime only stems from an earlier break in the social contract.

Rain said...

The social contract is when human beings give up their natural rights in order to be protected. The theory is based on the idea that humans abandoned a natural (free and ungoverned) condition in favor of a society that provides them with order, structure, and, very importantly, protection. I think the responsibilities of the citizens and government under the social contract should be to obey the laws and rules. I would say that one responsibility of government is to make the basic necessities available and within reach of all citizens which they already do. So with that being said, I do believe that the government is upholding its responsibilities to its citizens.

Britta said...

The social contract is an idea that states humans give up some of their natural rights to come together to form a government. By doing this, they are protected from the harshness of the natural world and gain rights and responsibilities as citizens. I think citizens under the social contract should follow the laws that are made under the government and in turn the government should ensure that the laws they make are fair. I think that for the most part our government is upholding its responsibilities. The government has laws that tell people "buckle up before you drive, and it is against the law to drive above the speed limit." to ensure the safety of the countries citizens. It also has laws against going on rampant killing sprees for the safety of our citizens as well as keeping our society in a peaceful state.

Kelsey D. said...

The social contract is when people give up some things to the government in order to form a better and more orderly society. This is basically saying that the government is trusted by the people to be held accountable for the rights the people hand over to the government. Under the social contract, I think the responsibilities of the citizens should be to trust that government will do what they want them to do. I think that questioning the government is okay and even encouraged, however under the social contract a certain trust has to be had. I think the government's responsibility under the social contract is to make sure everyone's needs are met. Although they cannot make everyone happy, they should strive to serve citizens as responsibly as they can. I think that generally speaking our government holds up its responsibilities to its citizens. The three branches of government tend to keep a balance among laws and keeping standards humane and following the principles of the constitution and the first amendment. Citizens living in the United States have amazing opportunities and although they have to give up some rights such as smoking in public, or going the speed limit, all in all the things the government does for the people such as maintaining the roads, or offering education systems and libraries is worth the social contract.

Katie said...

The social contract is the idea that as citizens of a country we are okay with giving up certain rights as long as the government gives us something in return for them. For instance in many countries people give up the right to bear arms or the right to make weapons and in return they get protection from the government. I think that the responsibility of the government is to protect the people and to ensure that everything runs smoothly. As citizens, I think that our job is to act responsibly and, to in a way, govern our own actions. I think that the government is doing an okay job at upholding it's responsibilities. While citizens of the United States are given protection, some social services and safety precautions are lacking. For instance, I believe that the infrastructure of the United States is really terrible. Many bridges are old, and outdated, and the roads are cracking and pot holed. As citizens we give up the rights to speed, and go through red lights and in return hope that our roads will be taken care of. While I understand that there are many other issues that are more "important", I think that public safety is left to the wayside when it comes to transportation.

Mr. Piñata said...

The Social Contract is a written means for people to have to behave civilized in society. These responsibilities are supposed to be carried out by the citizens of the world. I think that the citizens should help themselves, but also help others in the process. This could be like helping out the poor to not be so poor. The government should be responsible for keeping the safety of its citizens. It should put its citizen's wellbeing on top of its priority list. Currently, it seems that the government has been trying to do some good for us. It has its errors, one of which is the big deficit that the country currently holds. There are many ways in which things that this country does can be perfected or made better.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that social contract is when people come together in recognition that forming a society of sorts will benefit people in a way that living alone cannot. Of course, certain rights are given up when people come together but in the end it works out best for the most amount of people.

The responsibilities of the individuals under the social contract are to follow the laws laid out for them and to treat their fellow citizens with respect (when it is earned). Then, the government's job would be to make sure that things run smoothly and implement these laws, make sure they're being followed, and protect the citizens from violence and prejudice. That's the most base form of a social contract in my eyes. It starts to get complicated in actual situations.

As far as our government goes, I think it's doing an absolutely horrendous job. I openly invite anybody in this class to participate in a peaceful revolution with me to overthrow our government. Just kidding, but I'm not actually kidding. Our government is so deeply corrupted it's unbelievable. And that is why nothing has happened to stop is so unbelievable that nobody believes it. They are not protecting everyone's rights and everyone from prejudice, they are not protecting us from big businesses that tell us to buy into a certain market and then bet against us, and they certainly aren't protecting us from being forced to buy food that's so artificial it might not even be food anymore because organic is priced insanely high. So, no, our government isn't holding up their end of the bargain. I wouldn't say the individuals of our nation are either but we aren't on their level of fail.

EmmaBee said...

Basically what social contract theory is, is when people give up certain civil liberties in return for protection or some other form of bribery. Example: Men who reach a certain age must register for the draft, and in return the country gets protection. Also in social contract theory, it's not considered a right of the people to be able to rebel.I thionk that the responsibilities of citizens under the social contract theory should be to simply choose the leader in a professional, rational, and responsible way. The government, in return, should do what the citizens want and represent them well. I think part of our government is, but I will try not to be horribly critical of them right now because it's gotta be a tough job to try and represent everyone, for example, health care reform. Many people want it but many don't. In this case I believe that the government should do what is best for the greatest number of people- which is obviously universal healthcare. (And they did!)

Emma G said...

The social contract is an unwritten agreement between the government and the people it governs that the people must give up some rights in order to gain more important ones. Under the social contract, the people must respect the government and abide by its laws, and the government must only take from the people the rights that are agreed upon in the contract. I think our government is doing as good of a job as is possible right now. For example, we pay our taxes, and in return we get improvements to our schools and better health care. However, a lot of that money is going into an unfortunate war. But this is a circumstance the government has to deal with, and the people have to accept.

Anders P. said...

Social contract is the theory that citizens give up certain rights for protection from their government. For example, I give up my right to bring firearms into school, and the government prevents others from doing the same. I think that safety is the top priority of social contract. I think that citizens give up some of their rights regarding their own personal safety, so that society as a whole is safer. I think that our government does a good job upholding this contract because in our nation, the majority of people are safe. There are other economic aspects of social contract theory that are not being respected regarding monopolies and the regulation of the stock market. Besides that, the government does a good job upholding social contract.

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